Friday, February 25, 2011

Military Spouses Friday Fill in

  1. Aside from no deployments, what is one thing you would want to make the MilSpouse life “perfect”? That my husband had a 9-5 job not a possibly 6am possible earlier if he gets a call and he gets off maybe at 5pm maybe not if they decide to keep him hours later and possibly getting recalled through the night or weekends
  2. Just how many peppers did Peter Piper pick? hmmm I have no idea
  3. If you could have any career in the world with nothing holding you back, what would you do? Honestly it would be teaching if not a teacher a physiologist I would love to help people
  4. Do you have a service oriented tattoo and if so what is it. If you don’t what would you get? I dont have one and prolly never will but if for some reason I did I would get two hearts intertwined in the middle one cammo one pink. If not that I would get dog tags wrapped around my ankle going down over my foot. But like I said I wont ever get one
  5. Imagine a block of time has opened up in your busy day for you to take a class in anything you like. What subject would you choose?a foreign language

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