Saturday, February 26, 2011

Its down Hill from here. or is it uphill??

Well here we are the LAST part of this deployment. The very tiny little but that is left in this six months of hell the deployment. Now of course I cant give dates but as you will be able to tell by my post its pretty darn close!! So here I am making a list of things that must get done before Matt comes home. Now remember I moved into base housing after he left so he has yet to be in our home. So there is tons to get ready to insure he loves it since well this is our first home together! So my list goes on and on and of course it feels like I will never get it done, then I get started and get so excited that I do so much in one day that there isnt much to do to keep me busy that last week. Then of course that last week comes and I remember a million other things not to mention getting my personal self ready and looking hot for my man!! Oh and I guess I got to remember the mental readiness I need as well. I mean after all I have been on my own for 6+ months in a home he has never been in raising the children dogs on my own and all those fun things so yes of course I must prepare myself mentally! So here is my list of things to do for this last less then a month time left I have:

*Organize the closet 
*Make room for him in the closet
*Make Room in the bathroom for him :)
*Rearange the garage
*Unpack, wash, and put away his things he sends home ( woooo cant wait cuz this means its close!)
*Organize our dresser from when I moved and kinda messed all his stuff up ( sorry babe :0)
*Pick of poop from the back yard at the last possible moment because I know he will be out there with the dogs like alll the time
* Get him a new tire for his car
* Clean the house over and over so its perfect
* Give the dogs a bath nail trim the works so they are pretty for daddy
* Give myself a bath, nail trim the works so I can look pretty for daddy bahahah
* Tanning of course because Im a pretty white half Hispanic woman right now
* Gym Gym Gym Gym yikes!
* Get his favorite snacks in the house
* Clean Trail Blazzer
* Nails done ( maybe)
* reintergration meeting
* Make welcome home sign of course!
* Confirm his surgery which happens too soon after he gets home booo
* dont get fat :)
* Teeth whitening woo woo
* any squadron events or planning meetings that come up
* try and keep sane
* and of course keep all my spouses and parents Im in charge of updated on when they come in which will be crazy enough!!!

and this is all while taking classes and I believe my finals are right around there too.. Yikes!

BAHHHH thats all I can think of now but of course I know there will be a million I forget and freak to get done in the last minute before he gets home. Man oh man though a I excited!! Let the countdown being!!!

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