Saturday, October 2, 2010


Michelle and Our 'Roland' of the spouses Hector
Well today was the much talked about Spouses BUZZ event up on base today. I was a little iffy on what it was going to be like but I love getting out and being a part of things and of course seeing my spouses is a big plus! Spouses BUZZ was truly amazing. It was funny, entertaining,and  informational. Mollie Gross, a comedian and the Author of 'Confessions of a Military Wife' was there. She was so funny. Really made the event. We are trying to book her to come out for the 726th return home. Have a night out for our Airman and spouses, dinner and a comedian. It should be wonderful if we get her. Well I bought her book and she signed it for me. Good day all around. Had a blast with friends. Was interviewed on TV  which well what do you know Im getting over my fear of public speaking pretty darn fast! It was a fun day but now I need a nap.

On another note. Matt gave me the ok to move onto base instead of getting a house in town. I really am so happy about that. Houses in decent neighborhoods are alot of money here and its so far from base. Just not worth it. Im ready to be around the people who understand what I go through on a daily bases. Not to mention its close to the gym, hospital, cheap gas, commissary, and BX and Matt can come home for lunch and before sporting events. Before he was packing his bags for his games and leaving at 6am not coming home till after 9 sometimes. Well with two dogs this can be rough. Now if im working he can come let them ot and the days wont seem soo long since he can come home in between things. Overall for Mountain Home its our best deal. Now I just need to figure out when he will let me go get the house and stress over how to move alll the stuff sine he is gone. I have tons of help and it will give me something to do while he is away. I am truly happy that he said yes! Love you baby

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