Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What he has done for me

I always hear these wives sit here and talk about all that WE give up for our husband and their career in the military. We move away from our friends and our family and for some our careers and what we know and love. Some nag and wine and think their husbands should be kissing their feet and giving them all that they want because of all that they give up on average every 4 years when they have to move yet again. I am not saying it doesnt suk because it does. Ya I would love to buy a house near our friends and our family and know that my kids will grow up with the same children all through school. No not knowing where we will be a year or two from now. What Im saying is that it doesnt seem like these military wives understand what our husbands give up for us! Im not saying all military wives are like this. Also I am not saying that I dont get a little selfish, throw a little hissy fit and bring up what I have done for him. But I often sit back and think about how he is giving his life for me, our family, people we dont know. He is leaving his family that he loves, all the things he knows and loves to go to a place he isnt familiar with and the people there hate him, to make sure we sleep ok. To make sure that he provides for his family. My husband has done so much for e our family, and the people of the USA. My husband, while being deployed to Iraq, still considers my feelings and tries to make my life as easy as possible. He makes sure I am taken care of and our bills are paid and I have money I need. He tells me to quit my job when it makes me unhappy and to move to a new house when he sees Im not happy where I am. All from across the world. I have an amazing husband. Although I have and will continue to give up so much for him when we move every few years he as done so much more for me. I love you baby.

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