Saturday, April 6, 2013

Am I crazy?

As some of you may know, we have added a new addition to our family! Meet Kemba, yup as in Kemba Walker from the Charlotte bobcats.. really? Did you really think we would name him something OTHER THEN an NBA player?? Thats just silly! He is our 8 week old Yellow Lab. Now before you sit here and call me crazy, because trust me I have thought that myself, listen to my reasoning about getting a THIRD dog, when I have a one year old son.

We have two dogs, Maui our 5 year old Mutt who acts more like a cat, lazy and grumpy, and only plays with LeBron on her terms. I love her, she is my baby but she acts way older then she really is. She isnt fond of MJ she lays in bed most of the days and she only plays with LeBron once a day for like 5 minutes. We take them to the dog park and she chases bugs...yep real dog like right? She does love walks though!

Then there is LeBron, our 3 year old Chocolate Lab who is really a great dog if he werent so dumb silly. He has never rellly been a problem. He never chewed anything, was quickly potty trained besides his accedents during his month long bladder infection he had as a puppy and is so ski-dish he would never really do anything majorly wrong. But he is hyper. Wayyy hyper, come on now he is a Lab! He loves walks, he loves the dog park, he loves his Frisbee and by that I mean that is his obsession. He so badly wants to play with Maui who just wont have it. He loves MJ a little more everyday I think only because he has to.

So our reasoning of getting a third dog you might ask?? For LeBron really. We really think that he will love it after Kemba grows out of this puppy stage. Right now he isnt too sure about him. When Kemba is just a little bigger I really do think they will play constantly which in the end will help me because LeBron really needs a friend and to play..constantly.

Its been a crazy few nights because he for sure isnt Maui or LeBron when it comes to training but he is a pretty good puppy. Always wanting to be outside which is strange to us. Its going to be extreamly crazy in this tiny base housing with a tiny yard but we will have PCSd and moved into a way bigger house with wayyy more land and hi and LeBron are going to just love it.

So see my thinking here??? Add a little crazy to the house in order to calm the crazy. Yep genius

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