Monday, April 22, 2013

Binky Be GONE

Well I have to say that I am proud of myself, and M. I really didnt think it was ever going to happen, that we wouldnt need a binky anymore. Well lets not say wouldnt need but that we would ever not have the binky.  Today is day 11 with no binky!! Not one tiny bit. Not for bed time, or nap time, or the car. Not one second!! I threw them away that Friday morning and never looked back, well except for the one I still have hiding in my purse for major emergencies which I will probably keep until the end of the month, and of course the ones I randomly found in hidden areas of the house. But as soon as I found one, it went in the trash. It was rough. It probably wasnt a good week to start this. MJ is teething...bad. He is getting a few back teeth and I hear those can be the worst, and they sure do seem like it. Its not fun. He no longer looks for his binky anymore. He also falls asleep rather quickly, much better then the first few days. He even found Little Hanna's binky and did nothing with it the first time, the second I guess it was a tad more tempting but he just tried to chew on it...blame it on the teething. So sleep has been not so good this past week but Im not so sure it was the binky. He was like this even before. Then on top of that he got the beginning of Croupe again Friday..yay So we are getting rid of that. But we never gave in and this week was definitely a test of patients for us both.

Our next goal is dealing with his night time sleep schedule. My little man who had slept through the night from 2 months until about 5 months has not slept good in months. Im sure it started with the ear infections that lasted months and months. So that is what we are going to deal with now, after MJ is over this cold because we all know colds arent fun. Matt leaves in June for recruiter school and I NEED him to be a good sleeper while he is gone. I already wake up dead tired and there are two of us here! So I am really hoping this goes as well as the binky did. Hopefully it only has a few bad nights and then we are fine!! But I have a feeling this one will be harder for M and I to deal with. We have a habit of just pulling him into bed with us when we are tired which I know has med his bad habit even worse. So blame it on us if you want!! So wish us luck with this next hurdle we are working on!

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