Sunday, September 1, 2013

Painting: Overrated

I thought I would take a short break from this crazy thing of moving into a new house. I am exhausted. From the moment we wake up until dinner time we are doing something that has to do with this house. Right now I am looking at M put together our new desk which he started yesterday. This thing is crazy huge and hard apparently. My hands are getting calluses from the paint roller. MJ is over it too. Poor kid. We are constantly telling him he cant go here or he cant go there, dont touch that. I am so ready for this to be over not just for our sake, but for his too!! So everything can get back to normal with him.

Our home is coming together and it looks amazing. I am so excited. BUT we for sure worked hard for it. I feel like most people probably do everything we have done this past week and a half over a long amount of time. But I felt that we needed to do it now because who knows how long we have in this house. I want to be able to enjoy every bit of this hard work  for as long as possible. In just a few days we will be done with the inside of the house and can relax and enjoy it. Well besides the spare bedroom and half bath and that I dont know what I want to do with yet but they are small so it will be east to do while MJ is at school.

Then its the outside!!! We are getting a fence put in in the next few weeks so we dont have to watch MJ and the 3 dogs every second. We are ripping out all of the plants/bushes from the front and back of the house so that we/or Ms friend from HS who owns a landscaping business. can put in flowers and such next spring. I hate bushes so they need to go! And we are putting in a back patio next spring as well and possibly when we do that, a small basketball hoop and court for M in the back of the yard. But the outside will be done over time. And by over time I mean by the end of next summer. So Maybe that is still a lot in such a short time??

I have had ideas of what I want our first home that we OWN to look like and its so exciting that its here and real and happening! Everything is coming together wonderfully. Those of you who are my FB friends have seen pics so far and those of you who are not will see a few pictures here in a week or so. I cant wait to be done!

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