Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Thankful Monday- Late, again

Thankful Monday

 That MJ did good when I took him to his first day of Toddler school this morning

That I am done painting the house besides one bathroom and spare room

That we are having a surveryer come in today to start the process of putting in a fence

For my home. I am in love with it and this area

That M made it to Michigan safely to check in to his flight

I suck lately. I have been a total mess and suck at blogging. Now that M is back at work and MJ has started school I feel like I will start getting back into routine and settled. This past week has been crammed full of stuff that we were trying to get done before M went back to work and, for the most
part, we accomplished all of it!  Yay go us!!

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