Saturday, May 4, 2013

Sleep Update

So M and I decided that letting MJ cry himself to sleep would be the best for all of us. It is sad to listen to your child cry and cry especially when for 14 months, he fell asleep next to us. I started Friday with his morning nap.

9AM : I Changed his diaper, while doing so calmly explained to him that it was nap time, time to go nigh nigh. I also talked about how Simba needed to take a nap as well.

I then placed him in his crib, standing up and hugged him for a little while he held Simba. I continued to explain that it was nap time and how he needed to hug Simba tight and take a nap with him. I would be right down stairs. I told him I wasnt going anywhere, that I would be there when he woke up.

I laid him down and continued to be calm and talk to him. He laid there and cried, sosos sad. He tried to get up, I put him back down, byt he third time he got up I laid him down said nigh nigh and left the room.

He immediately screamed. Standing up throwing his blanket over, shaking the bed rails. It took 20 minutes until he fell asleep. I did not go in the room one time, We chose that way because going in there would just make him more upset and we would start over.

He only slept for 45 minutes but he did it himself!!

3PM: We did the same steps as above to get him down

He cried, much better then screaming, for 10 minutes then talked to himself for 10 and then laid down and went to sleep.

Again for only 45 minutes

7PM: We actually had to run Kemba to the Vet last minute this first time so his schedule was a little off on time.

When we got home ( after dinner) we gave him his bath got him dressed for bed brushed his teeth, brought him into our room and read to him and then he was able to watch 5 minutes of TV. At exactly 5 minutes we brought him into his bed and did the same routine.

He kept getting up so that third time we left the room as usual. It was horrible, he freaked out. This was Ms first time doing this since he was at work the other two times.

He cried for 22 minutes and then fell asleep for a few hours.

He woke up about 11PM cried and then fell asleep in 8 minutes WINNING He woke up I believe around 3AM and cried for 5 minutes and then fell asleep until exactly 6AM

At that time we brought him into our bed for a little cuddle and TV time.

He was absolutely AMAZING all day in Boise. He did not cry once, not once!! That was awesome considering it was in and out of the car and shopping all day.

We could not do the nap time routine since we were out the entire day but he slept good in the car too Boise (10:45-11:45) and from (5:30-6:30) Yea I know late for a nap but that happens in Boise

We didnt really do a dinner last night because we ate at 3 with friends at Tucanos which will keep you full for days. He didnt seem to want anything when we got home.

About 7PM I got him into the bath as usual, dressed, into our bed, read, 5 minutes of TV.

We then went into his room and did the above steps again.

He cried when we left but not as bad as the night before.

He actually laid down before 10 minutes hit, but then got up. So it took about 30-35 minutes of calm crying until he fell asleep.

He slept until 3:15AM ahhhhhhmmmaaziing. Best sleep since he was like 4 months old and stopped sleeping through the night!

He woke up and seemed to go back to sleep in 3 minutes but then got up, cried, laid down, got up cred laid down.. He did this for about 20-25 minutes.

After he went down he slept until 6:45 when the dogs woke him up.

We never went into his room.

I am sure at some point we will if he has cried for too long or seems to not even be trying to lay down, or of course if we can tell his teeth hurt or whatever. But when he lays down and gets up over and over we know he will eventually fall asleep.

This and taking the binky away a few weeks ago have been absolutly amazing! He has woken up so happy and continues to be happy.

As a mom, I feel accomplished by these two things. I know it sounds lame BUT if you are a mom you understand how hard those two things can be.

I am hoping we are able to get in a nap time routine today. We are having a babysitter come for the first time at 10:30 while we go gold. He slept so good last night that I am not sure he will go down before we leave and it can be hard to explain what we are doing to a babysitter. We shall see!!

I am hoping that last night was just the first... a sight of how it will be from now on. I have to say that I sure do love it!

Now we need to work on the puppy and getting the dogs OFF our bed!

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