Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Orders Are In!! Drum Roll Please....

After 6 months of dealing with the incredibly long process of applying to become a recruiter, finding out he made it then waiting for a class date, finding out a class date and then waiting to find out where we are going, we finally got our orders last night.

Let me set the scene for you:

Dinner is in the oven.
We are in a hurry because M has a volleyball game and I was already running late with dinner.
We are sitting in the living room playing with MJ.
Matt looks at his Phone.
He says " we got our orders"
I of course think he is joking, why in the world would he know by reading his personal email.
He isnt joking.
I remember he started getting emails from work to his phone a month back for some reason.
He reads the email to me.
Of course he has to go into work to see where we are going, the email pretty much just says congrats you got orders!
I dont waste a second and tell him he needs to go in to work... NOW.
He looks at me like Im crazy, but he knows he will because he wants to know where we are going just as bad.
He puts shoes on and decides to take MJ. Why are you taking MJ we are in a hurry here!! But whatever.
I call him 2 minutes later, he hasnt gotten to his office yet. He tells me he will call in about 3 minutes.
20 minutes later, JK im sure it was only 3 minutes but the longest 3 minutes of my life where I spent pacing back and fourth and looking out the front window like looking outside was going to tell me where we were going, he calls.
He isnt logged in yet..ug hello hurry up.
Medina Ohio!! Our first pick! We are shocked of course. M really thought we were getting Sandusky, he wanted Sandusky of course because we made a bet and he now has to buy e a $200 robot vacuum what what!
I ask him when we have to be there.
He pauses.
Departure date August 1...uhhh honey you dont get home from Recruiter school until August 1.
Report no later than date August 31. Hmmm
A month sooner then planned.
 Enter panic...NOW.

Yep that is right, we have 3 months to buy a house and plan an entire move, more like 4 weeks because M leaves soon and it all needs to be done before he leaves. Well most of it. We figured he would have a Report date of September 30 or October 30 and we would leave about September 1 take 30 days of leave to get settled, no rush. There is a rush. He comes home and we leave the following Saturday for him to report into work 3 weeks later. No time to relax, no time to settle in our house. We get there, and he drives the 4 hrs to Wright Patt to check in.

Welcome to military life. 3 months. We are given 3 months notice to buy a house, prepare a move, and get to Ohio, all while he is gone at school.

The out processing doesnt bother me. It will get done. TMO will come right on time and take our stuff and that will be that. We will ship Ms Charger so we dont have to drive 2 cars. We will rent a Uhaul no biggy.

Its the buying a house that Im freaking out about. I had originally planned to go out in July and pick one out and do last minute stuff with Ms mom but yesterday we decided that with his mom and step dad looking at all the 'mechanical' stuff, his sister knowing exactly our style we like, and our brother in law being a mortgage broker in the past, and a friend who lives in Medina, we can get it all done. Skype will be glorious as his sister is walking through the houses for us to see. That all takes some stress off, but not much.

We have paired up with USAAs Movers Advantage, that was referred to us by a good friend. He said it was amazing and made buying a house so much easier. We need all the help we can get.

I panic. That is me, you should know by now that is what I do. Add normal PCS stress and panic to PCS in 3 months, not a good combo. Im sure M is already sick of me :)

This should be interesting.

Medina Ohio here we come!

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