Sunday, September 12, 2010

When does this feeling go away?

Well yesterday I was sad.. then Matt surprised me on skype late last night and that really made my night so much better.. then I slept good for most of the night before I woke up with a horrible nightmare I have had since I was younger and in alot of pain from my knees. So I woke up not so good. Then of course I didnt know If I was going to be able to talk to Matt or not today. I was really sad.. I hate that feeling of being so sad and only wanting to hear from your husband, to have him here to make everything better and you cant. Well as I was writing this he surprised me again and got on skype. I got to see him for the longest since he has been gone. It really is amazing how something so simple can make my day totally flip around. Do I still miss him? Yes like crazy and Im still kinda down but seeing him made it so much better. I love you Matthew Ryan thank you so much for all that you do. Your so good to me. I hope you start feeling better soon. Wish you were here so I could bring you soup and grilled cheese and you can relax in bed and watch movies till your all better again. We miss you here. Stay safe

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