Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My dogs are my kids

So as you prolly know Matt and I have no 'human' children YET. I am asked this question all the time being near a military installation where people get married and have children young. I say " well yes two furry ones". Our dogs are our kids and will continue to be our kids even after we have 'human' children. Now back a few weeks ago when I interviewed on the radio I was prepared for the question: "Do you have children?" and I was prepared to answer " Yes sir I do, a 2 1/2 year old mutt and a 6 month old Brown one". Now what response do you think I would have gotten with that answer? A mutt and a brown one? lol LeBron and Maui are our children. We take care of them, raise them, love them, and they love us back. Is that not just like children? Do people not adopt 'human' children just like we adopt pets? Well yes adopting pets is easier then adopting a child but same thing right? They may have big ears, go to the bathroom outside, drink out of the tolite, walk on all fours, and lick your face a little too much but then again so do some peoples children! :) Well Needless to say I treat my dogs, my fur babies, like they are my children because to me they are. They have kept me sane at times when I wanted to go crazy, gave me companionship when I was lonely and have cheered me up in my darkest days. With out them I would be a lost and heart broken woman during this deployment. So yes I think its fair to say that just like if I would if I have a child, I dress them up for holidays take family pictures and mail them out to the relatives . Until I have a child to add to the Christmas cards this is how it will remain! I love my puppies!

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