Thursday, September 9, 2010

Live Radio Interview

Public speaking is one of my worst fears.. so why did I agree to do a interview on live radio at 7am tomorrow? Im not exactly sure. I got a call from Mrs. JoAnn Carpenter the squadron commanders wife asking if I would like to do it and as she is sitting there explaining what she thought might happen I am telling myself NO NO NO DONT DO IT JUST SAY NO THANK YOU! But then all of a sudden I hear my self tell her of course I will let me know the time an I will see you tomorrow. Then within seconds my hands started shaking and I started getting all sweaty which I can imagine will be the same thing that will happen to me tomorrow. I never even liked talking in front of 20 of my classmates let alone thousands of people I dont even know. Well here I am playing over and over in my head the types of questions they will sk me ( about Matt deploying, being a military wife, if we have any children, etc) and how I might answer them. I love the military, yes my husband is deployed, yes its sad, no we have no children.... can I just leave it at that? Hmmm probably not. Man oh man Im hating myself for saying yes... do they have classes on how to just say NO! Because I afraid Im not too good at it. Lets just be thankful that this is  radio interview and not a tv one. Oh Boy here we go.....

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