Friday, July 19, 2013

Road Trip with my husband, Toddler, and 3 dogs!!! Call me crazy

Well as you know we are going to be making a 32 hour drive to our new home in Ohio next month. We have done this before. Twice actually. There and back once Just M and I and our 2 dogs, then once there and back with M, MJ, and the two dogs. Thats about 64 hours. It went great both times. So why is It im nervous about the trip this time? We dont even have to make the drive back. Well this is because MJ is older. He can not sit still, he doesnt sleep in the car every time we are in it, and he talks lol JK about the talking ting that will be fun to listen to. I am also nervous because we have a 3rd dog now. YIKES!!

I have been panicking about this move, every little bit of it. Now I am freaking about just the driver alone. I have asked all my mommy friends that travel often with their little ones and got some great advice, all advice I already knew though so I just need to get over the fact that this drive has to happen and will happen in 4 weeks. There are going to be problems I am going to get stressed and annoyed because thats what I do. Did telling myself that help at all? Of course not lol But here is the plan and the things we ave bought to help make the drive a little more bearable.

 The Star Kids Snack and Play Travel Tray. This attaches to their waste while they are in their ar seat giving them a little table to play and eat on. I hate having food in my car, but on a road trip it just has to happen so hopefully this will make it a little less messy. Also He can color and play wit his cars on an actual surface not just is legs. The pockets are awesome so he can have a few toys and books that he can reach whenever he would like. Now I havent tried this yet. MJ is still rear facing so Im worried it might not fit. It seems to be ok by the looks of it but I will give it a try on our way to Boise tomorrow.

I also Hate crayons and markers lol he doesnt really get to stay on the paper yet so they end up all over my table. I guess crayons wont be horrible Because Im not too worried about him drawing on the travel tray so he will get some of those. BUT I decided to get him this anyways.
Fisher-Price Travel Doodler Pro
 We are working on teaching him to move the blue button to delete the picture. Its a perfect size for the car and is not messy at all.

 Melissa and Doug Reusable Sticker Pad
This is awesome. Not only is it a perfect theme for our moving trip with the trains, planes, cars, and boats, It isnt sticky as in it wont stick to everything in my car!! Such a fun thing. They get to create their own scene with the background and reusable stickers, then can take them all off and do it again. I think he will love this since he is way in to stickers. Some of our boxes that are already packed are beautifully decorated with Sesame Street stickers.

Crayola Marker and Watercolor Pad
He actually got this for is birthday so its not really new to him. It is just a bunch of blank pages to color whatever he would like. So we will have this on hand as well.

This isnt the exact book but we got him a few coloring books. Those to keep his attention for very long but its worth a try.

This looks nothing like his Simba. We can never lose im because there isnt a Simba out there we can find that looks like his lol
But anyways. We cant leave home without Simba. He will just die

 His Ohio Blanket Again a must have

His Sesame Street Crayon Holder my mom made for his goodie bags for his 1st Birthday. Im limiting him to 4 crayons because if there are more in sight, he makes one little mark and then wants another, and another.

Cars Case
This isnt the one he has because my mom is still making his. But You get the picture. Cute Idea right??? Every boy needs one, and every mom should carry one in her purse.

Some of his Favorite Shows and Movies with our DVD player that hooks to the head rest for him to see.

The kid loves books so of course these are a must

Snack cups. Im really hoping these work out better then last time. He usually gets them everywhere

Of course the Sippy cup strap so Im not having to find it to hand to him every few minutes. He is usually pretty good with putting it back in is cup holder unless he gets mad.

Then we will of course bring lots of sugar free snacks and water for him. Sugar free because we want to make sure he isnt super hyper as we are trying to avoid that lol

I think we might buy a few more 'surprise' toys for him to have. 3, one for each day we are on the road. That way its a cool fun new toy. He will get to open those after he has been pretty good during our drive.

As for the dogs

This is for the back so they are not tearing up my new car

Dog Gate
I can not have them climbing over my seats lol We use this all the time though.

 And lots and lots of these and other toys.

Yep thats the list for stuff that will be packed inside the car to keep me sane. Check back in a few months to see what actually worked and what didnt! Also any other advice I have to give you with traveling with a toddler by car.

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