Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I was that mom in the commissary..you know the one!

Have you ever walked through the commissary and stared at those moms with the food piled high in their carts with a baby wrapped to their chest and 2 OR MORE kids hanging from the cart...screaming... As you quietly walked the aisle and quickly try to escape that awful noise and awkwardness of not wanting to make eye contact because you are afraid you will say something mean. But its not over!! Its like they are following you , or maybe they just going down each aisle like you do so it seems as though they are stalking you on purpose. You finally have everything on your list and you head to the cashier and sure enough they come behind you shortly after. After checking out, and listening to her kids scream about wanting that piece of candy you are so happy to be able to step outside in the fresh air, away from the screaming children. You are so relieved it is quite you dont even mind the little bagger that wants you money after she took your groceries  to your car. IT WAS THAT BAD INSIDE. At guess what..thats not even on a pay day. You can only imagine what it is like on a military installation on a pay day. Now this is why I chose a commissary. For you non military families out there I know you have stores and moms just like this, but picture it ten times worse at a commissary.

Anyways...that was me today. I was that woman..that mom!! That one I just spoke so terribly about. The one I always said to my husband as we left " I dont get why she cant handle her kids."  Yes today was a sad day. MJ used to be so good in the stores. I always got compliments on how calm and happy he was. Seriously every time was so pleasant. Im not sure who took my child in the middle of the night and replaced it with this toddler that throws tantrums in the middle of the store. Just kidding it wasnt that bad. No tantrums yet but he cried and fussed the entire time. Every aisle I had someone staring at me. A few elderly men actually stopped and dared to talk to me about his fussiness...asking if he was teething and so forth. MJ just gave them the dirtiest look and resumed his crying. I wanted to cry. I wanted to leave my cart, that was overflowing so much that I had to take him out and hold him so I could have a place for Ice Cream, and just get in my car and cry. I tried everything. I gave him his car, that lasted about one aisle until he threw it down. I gave him a teether I keep in my purse, that he never likes anyways so IDK why I thought it would work today. I let him hold boxes of pasta..EVERYTHING. I pretty much ran through the rest of the store because I was so embarrassed. Can you imagine me, holding a crying child while pushing a cart that was extremely full and heavy, with one arm to the check out line. Quite amusing Im sure. At one point I even saw people from Matts squadron, who I refused to make eye contact and act like I didnt see them in hopes they wouldnt recognize me which I know was a bust.

It gets worse. He was pretty calm as I was standing in line only because I was holding him. There were barely any people in line. In fact I was the last one. I have him in one arm and Im trying to pile my food up on the table for them to ring up. I am doing this with one hand. You can imagine how long it takes to unload a incredibly full cart with one hand, one by one, one by one. Then a man walks up behind me. a man with 2 things...come on can you not go to the self check out!!!! He just watches me. I think to myself he is gonna help me. I will be embarrassed but it would be nice if he helped me. I was only half way done and still had two cases of water, a case of sprite, two cases of yohoos, and two frozen pizzas on the bottom of the cart. He watches me. As I start to unload the pizzas he decides to help..thanks..really.. no really I was pretty thankful because I had absolutely no idea how I was going to get those cases of water on the table with one arm. My child refused to be put down.

Walking to my ar was seriously a breath of fresh air. I needed to get out of that commissary and fast. I was suffocating. Horrible horrible. The second we get in the car, he falls asleep...


I am that mom everyone. So laugh and stare at me. Ask your husbands why its so hard to take care of one kid go ahead. I have a whole new respect for those moms with the screaming kids.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! isnt this called parent karma or something? Where your child ends up doing everything you used to judge other parents for? It happens to everyone. I've been there too. It sucks even more because you learn why sometimes parents are just ignoring their screaming children. Peyton was having a legit tantrum at Wal Mart once. Sometimes, you discipline for those, but sometimes you can just tell they want attention, good or bad right? This was one of those times. So I ignored him...in the check out line. The cashier was like, "Whoa he's angry huh?!?" i was like Don't look at him. hahahahaha. You're not alone!
