Monday, November 4, 2013

Beauty Tips

Our MOPS theme this year is ' A Beautiful Mess' and that I always am, the mess part. If beautiful means food on my clothes before 9am ( caused by me not my son, jkjk sorta), what was nice and done hair is now pulled up in a bun before 10, and shoes that might not match then that's me! Well jk on the shoes thing a girl should have good shoes on if you have no time for anything else!

I was asked to give a moms interview for the last MOPS newsletter. One question was what was a beauty tip I could share. I have read beauty tip after beauty tip. Some make me look fabulous and have made its way into my routine, others are horrible and I pay for it later on. It was hard for me to really think about a beauty tip that would work for everyone. Not everyone likes makeup, or some moms just don't have the time to use it. Maybe your hair is short or you like to keep it up. There are tips for all of that but I wanted one that was better then it all. I decided to share the best beauty tip I have ever received, and that is to always smile because its the most beautiful asset a women has. This is so true. It doesn't matter if your teeth are perfect or you think they aren't. Your smile is still the most beautiful thing you have. Ask any man, go ahead. They will tell you the same. There is just something about a women who always has a smile on her face.

I suck at this beauty tip to be honest. I try my best but, as you moms know, there are just times you cant. I mean who stops to think ' oh am I smiling today'? While cleaning up pee that your potty training toddler left in the living room for you? Not me! partly because I don't have a potty training toddler but you get the point. So like any beauty tip, take it or leave it. use it when you can. You will catch yourself thinking about it a little more often and then it will become a little more of a habit. Then people will look at you strange in the supermarket wondering why you are smiling when your child just knocked all the food off one shelf. Don't be creepy now lol just be beautiful!

Besides that best tip ever, here are a few others I have learned over the years and seemed to have stuck with me!

*If you're out of shaving cream, lather your legs with conditioner instead of soap. Conditioner will soften the hair on your legs making it easier to shave (and it will leave your skin feeling extra silky). I bet your thinking, I don't even shave every day. What mom has time for that? I can proudly say I do shave pretty much every day. For sure not with shaving cream or even conditioner half the time but on the days that count I do!

*Before applying nail polish, wipe nails with an acetone-based cleanser. Essie Weingarten, founder of Essie Cosmetics, told the pros at Redbook that cleaning excess dirt, oil or moisturizer from your nails will ensure that the polish adheres properly. If you have time for this one do it! I always have my nails polished and hate that I have to touch it up or change it 2 times a week due to mommy duties making it come off.

*Wear sunscreen every day, rain or shine. Even when it's cloudy. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 80 per cent of the sun's ultraviolet rays pass through the clouds. Im sure you ladies know this, your smart. Most makeup or lotions have sunscreen in them so your in luck!

*Makeup sponges help you apply make up, but not without a cost. They usually soak up more liquid foundation than what ends up on your face. The result? You're wasting foundation and constantly buying new sponges. The fix? Get a foundation brush. You waste less foundation and it allows for a more even and precise application than a sponge would. we all want to save money so this one speaks for itself

*The best thing you can do for your appearance is to drink lots of water. Hydration helps your skin stay moisturized and glowing, boosts your metabolism, and keeps your energy levels up. Spritz water on your face too, especially in the summer, to keep it feeling and looking refreshed." Forget about being beautiful I just want the energy that comes with this one!

* Treat your eye area gently. This is the most delicate part of your face. Cleanse with care; blot, never rub.  This one I learned from my Arbonne ladies!

* I could name a million more but I will end with- Wash your make off every night before you go to bed. the entire face. It makes you age faster! We are already getting old too quick (well you guys not me :)) so we don't need anything else to help it along do we now?

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