Thursday, March 28, 2013

What Easter Bunny?

Do you ever wonder what goes through a childs head when the holidays hit?? Especially the young ones like my son. They dont really know whats going on. All the dressing up and gifts and Easter egg hunts and seeing Santa and the Easter bunny... its all for the parents really. We want to have memories of our children during these..thats a joke!! We really just want to relive our childhood again and we finally can!! We have kids!! But really its all for the kids. I took MJ to see the Easter bunny on Tuesday. Of course, as we waited in line, he had no idea what was to come. Now hold on just a second. Let me take you back to December. We were in wal-mart and they were doing free photos with Santa. Free?? Ok! We just wanted to see what MJ would do and get our free picture, we would later get him dressed up and go to a mall and do it again. He was starting at Santa waiting his turn not really getting what was happening. We set him on Santas lap..all is well. Until he looked at Santa right in they eyes and Santa said "HO HO HO" yup that did it. He turned back to me and started freaking out. What did I do as a worried parent??? Told the lady to take the picture anyways because it was hilarious haha Mean Mom.. Come on look at the picture below and tell me that this isnt one for the scrapbooks. We ended up taking him to the mall while visiting Colorado and tried again. It was during a week day so no one was there to see Santa so we were able to take our time. This Santa was just great with him. I sat next to them and Santa went through a Toys R Us add with him to help get him comfortable with the idea of sitting on this stranger with a white beards lap. It worked great. I was able to sneak away and we got a great picture!! You never would have guessed that just 3 weeks before it was the same kid!!!

Now back to the Easter Bunny. I dont know about you but the idea of it freaks me out. Come on a giant rabbit dressed in clothes??? Hmmmm But hey the kids love it.. most of the time. Again we were standing in line waiting for him to get back from his break, which might I add that he was late coming back rude :). As he walked past MJ stopped and stared. He didnt really get what that was. He watched as the kids infront of him piled on the Easter bunny's lab for a picture one by one. The kid infront of us ad to go and ruin it for us..she started freaking out of course... in the end she was fine. MJ seemed a little worried at this point. Matt took him in while I took the stroller around to the exit. Matt set him down on the Bunnys lap, it was fine for a second... Until MJ realized what was going on. Matt quickly turned and grabbed a plastic Easter Egg, which was pink so he decided to choose a different one of course, and proceeded to hand it to MJ...All is well in my childs world now... He calmy sat on his lap for the duration of the time while the Photographer took pictures.. even flashed a few of his lady killer smiles at them. What a ladies man. All because if this little Orange Egg MJ forgot all about the Easter bunny. You thought this story was gonna end bad didnt you?? Like him screaming and throwing a fit Santa all over again... nope it went well!!! We had fun.

We will have to start all over next year because Im positive he will forget that everything was fine when we sit him down on Santas lap...Hey while I think about it why dont they have a giant Turkey for Thanksgiving??? A little much???

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