Tuesday, March 19, 2013

I thought you were sick??

Apparently with my toddler, being sick doesnt mean rest. This simply means, use the sick card when you want to be cuddled or want something, but when you dont, run around like a mad man until you cant breathe from the Croup. That is exactly what MJ has been doing the past few days. Although, he is feeling better, or so it seems from the lack of cough, he is still sick. I did not even have one day of rest with my energetic, sick, toddler. Here he is after being in Urgent Care at 4 am barely being able to breathe on his own. After having breathing treatments and put on ear meds AND steroid meds to help the swelling in his ear and throat go down. He is running around from one end of the house to the other, screaming, playing, throwing cars and balls down the stairs. It doesnt stop with him does it?

I believe my child is in the top ten most energetic toddlers ever..ok maybe not that bad since I DO still get cuddle time with him, on his terms of course. I am ready for him to really understand what I am saying when I tell him something, such as 'No Matthew you can not go run right in the middle of the basketball court during a live basketball game the second I put you down'. I want to enjoy these things again..but instead I am either holding a screaming wiggiling boy who is trying to get out of my arms OR running after him up and down the halls of the gym, or whereever we are, so that he can let out some energy.

Yesterday we were at Matts basketball game, now let me add we havent been going very often this season because the games are later then usual and MJ is so hard to deal with during them. Its half time. I put him down so he can wonder a little bit for the duration of halftime. His feet hit the ground and he is OFF. Off running across the basketball court to God knows where, MJ doesnt even know where. I walk quickly and follow him to insure he doesnt get in the way of the players by their bench. He turns and sees me, laughs, and takes off faster. This is a game to him! I hear people on the side of the court and in the stands laughing.. laughing at hime because he is cute? Or laughing at me because this boy  just plays me. This is my life. It consists of chasing a typical toddler boy every second of every hour he is awake, which seems to be alll day longg. There is an out. Outside is my out. I can sit in my backyard on the not so cold days and let him run or do what he wants. This buys me maybe 5 minutes until he is into something he shouldnt be. Like the dog poop he thought would be a good idea to bring to me in his bare hand. Oh yea that just happened. Ok lets try going for walks. This is awesome when he is in the stroller...but what good does that do me when Im trying to tire him out. So we walk without the stroller. Great!!! Until he decided to not hold my hand then its back in the house until he learns what is safe and what is not. Its not often we get to go outside because it hasnt really gotten warm enough yet but I do take advantage of it when we can. So until then what do I do??? My child needs an out.. he needs to be a boy. I watch him stare out our back window at the other, older, kids playing on the playground behind our house. He points to them. He wants out there. As much as I do not want him to grow another day I want him to be able to get out and play with those kids. You can tell he wants to sooo bad. My child is a boy. A typical boy. One who likes cars and sports and running around and rough housing and getting dirty. He is everything you think of when you think of a boy. Its scary. I see my future..it consists of worrying every second of the day. Doing laundry all day everyday because he can not keep one shirt somewhat clean for more then a few hours. Learning to sew because everything will have holes. My days of piece and quite are over. They were over the second I had a child, but now they are really over. To be honest. I wouldnt change it for a thing. This really is my CRAZY beautiful life.

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