Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Struggle Is Real

Do you remember seeing those pictures from moms about their kids crying over silly things? The "Reasons My Child cried Today" ones? I do. I remember laughing at them and thinking, oh man so glad MJ isn't like that. What an extremely well behaved Toddler I have.

He turns 3 next Month. I guess when you turn 3, or are about to, all rules go out the window. Everything changes. This isn't me being overly dramatic its true. I know you moms of 3 year olds are totally agreeing right now. Maybe throwing out an "Amen Sister".

I have one of those Toddlers. The ones that are the stars of those photos. In fact MJ could probably have his own website dedicated to "Reasons I cried Today". Emotions are just insane when you hit 3. I have read blog post and book on how to raise a little boy. How to let him know that having emotions is ok but teaching him how to handle them. Books cant prepare you for 3. Put down the books on how to raise a 3 year old. What you should be reading are those books that let you know that you are not alone.... that most 3 year olds are insane and all the moms are dealing with the exact same thing even if they look perfect on the outside. That will make you feel better about yourself. Not how to raise your child to be perfect, but how to embrace the imperfections of your own life as a mom.

Easier said then done I know. Because I struggle with it DAILY. I would love for my life and children to be perfect. But then I wake up from that dream and hear MJ dumping out a bin of about 100 trucks, throwing a fit because its Monday ( come on don't we all thought?), and Kenley crying because she doesnt want to do Tummy Time.

Ok back to what this post is really about.

Reasons MJ has cried this week:

Because its not Night time
Because the bed in his room is not his
Because mommy and daddys bed is not theirs
Because he wants to go to lunch and not eat at home
Because he wants to eat at home not out ( after we said ok we will eat out)
Because he doesn't like Books anymore ( until Tuesday when its story time at the library
Because he doesn't like PB and J when that is the only thing he actually eats
Because he doesn't want Kenley to get any older
Because its not currently snowing so he wants to wear his rain boots not snow boots even thought the ground is covered in snow...but the snow is not actually falling therefor he doesn't need snow boots
Because he wants his Birthday Party Invites to be just the truck not the truck with the picture of "Matthew" In them
Because he wants to do his own dishes
Because putting the dog bowls away is not his chore its mommies, his chore is cleaning the whole house ( by all means child please do)


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